Student Membership
Student members are presently enrolled in a public school within the city of St.Louis, County, or surrounding area. Students' access must be arranged by an adult. Students are entitled to some benefits, some privileges, and some opportunities. These will be discussed before joining. students must subscribe to the vison, mission, and goals.
Associate Membership
Associate members are non-educators and adults. They are entitled to all rights as primary members except: (a) participating in group activities for educators only. Associate members are encouraged to attend open group meetings, learning seminars, annaul banquets, fundraisers, and other events. Associate members must subscribe to the purpose of 99Billion Better Pathways, and pay annual dues.
VIP Membership
VIP members hold corporate positions in the community. VIP members are entitled to all privileges, benefits, and opportunities, and are encouraged to attend open group meetings, learning seminars, the annual banquet, and fundraisers. VIP members must subscribe to the purpose of 99Billion Better Pathways, and pay annual dues.
Embossed gold-foil certificate of Membership
Automactic entrance in the prestigious 99Billion Better's Pathway's Biographical Publication.
Privileges of Membership
Automatic availability to other partners.
Honorable Recognition at yearly banquet listed in program
Opportunities of Membership
Offering business, and/or educational services to other members.
Participating in 99Billion Better programs
Being the Spokes Person for 99Billion Better (Teen & Adult)
Investigating the Current Year's Study Topic: Roles of Authority Figures at Home, School, Work, Community, State, Nation, & World
Experiencing the intellectual growth, leadership opportunities, and cultural stimulation by attendng group seminars, and other events.